Monday, December 8, 2008

Math and Science Family Learning Institute

"This time it became necessary for us as facilitators to be clear with the directives we were trying to portray with the project. Explanations for how this was science, the importance of keeping the content culturally relevant and highlighting how students need to be actively engaged." - Future elementary teacher

On November 15th, Dr. Elaine Young's future math teachers and my future science teachers taught INSERVICE -- yes, those that are currently in the classroom - teachers how to conduct a family learning event. We had over 100 teachers from around the Coastal Bend attend. Several of our preservice teachers have graduated and attend as brand new classroom teachers -- wonderful to see the work continue! The future teachers teaching the teachers!!

Quotations from student's written reflections:

*I really gained a lot of confidence in my communication skills and effective discussion with teachers....The whole event was very informative and challenging and I found a lot about how well I can teach to not just students but professionals as well. I definitely gained much more than I hoped for.

*One male educator states that hands-on experiments especially for young elementary students were crucial for their learning. He stated, "I have found that by presenting the topic with a hands-on experiment the students better retain the information and actually enjoy what is being taught to them".

*Everyone seemed so passionate and excited about teaching, and the atmosphere just made me feel that much more excited and passionate about teaching.

*Each time we presented in a different facility I learned something from it. I learned more about young children and how they learn. I learned more about charter schools and gained an idea of how adolescents and teenagers view science and education in general. I loved how to talk to older students vs. communicating with younger students. Also, I received great experience from communicating and presenting to other adults. Now, I feel more confident about communicating with other teachers, administrators, and parents. All thanks to Family Science...!

*The whole event was very informative and challenging and I found a lot about how well I can teach to not just students but professionals as well.

*I loved knowing that I contributed to the learning of students that I am not even a teacher for.

*It was a great feeling to know that the activity we did will possibly be used in the classroom.

*I have not only learned a lot about other teachers and students, but I have learned a lot about myself.

*I was able to catch the beginning of Dr. McCollough's and Dr. Young's presentation before the teachers came around to observe our projects. I found it interesting how Family Science Night has grown so much and impacted so many people. I greatly enjoyed this experience and will never forget the impact that I had on all the students and their families. Mainly because they will never consume red food and drinks or use make-up without thinking about the parasite which it is extracted from, due to my project about the Cochineal bug.

*I like how you combined math and science together. It's important for teachers to understand that the two subjects can go hand in hand with each other and could help with teaching a lesson to your students.

*The one main thing I learned from participating in this event would be that teachers who truly care about their students get very excited about learning new methods to teach those they are entrusted to....In today's society there is so much negative about schools and teachers, that often we don't see/hear the positives about those who truly enjoy teaching and want to make a difference in a child's life.

Family Science At Garza-Gonzales Charter School Fall 2008

"This is what I have been waiting to do my whole life and the fact that I finally get to do it, well, is more than words can possibly say." - Future Elementary Teacher

On November 5th, my future elementary and middle school teachers taught science activities to an audience comprised predominately of high school students and their families! Dr. Mac's granddaughter even attended! A good time was had by all!!

Direct quotations from my student's written reflections:

*I felt like this experience really helped my confidence and that it has given me experience with all age groups of children.

*The experience gave me an excellent picture of teaching science and it gave me joy.

*I learned that each child comes to earth with a built in curiosity system.

*I raised in a world coming from a single parent home and so called "barrio" environment. This process has opened my eyes that even the small things in life can make a difference in a students life.

*The major benefit I personally gained from this event is a feeling that I could teach science to older students a do a good job of it....If I were to give future teachers one piece of advice it would be to not be afraid of expanding themselves outside of their chosen teaching level.

*Science is still a difficult subject for e to get comfortable with, but the experience I had at Garza Gonzales Charter school made me feel that science can be a subject the students and myself can discover together....I was able to see how an activity can be adjusted in a matter of a moment's time.

*Without friendship, learning won't take place.

*I believe that any at risk youth have a chance at a better life if their teachers invest in them as a whole child.

*I definitely enjoyed this second experience because of the different environment. Yes, there were a lot of underaged parents and families who were a little less fortunate but I felt as though we were making a difference in their lives. It was as though being there and watching us was helping them see that they too could go to college.

*The main thing I learned from this Family Science Night was the main differences in the socioeconomic classes.....Many of these kids were having kids themselves and are in the lower income scale. This means that teachers need to work harder with these students because school is really all they have and their future really depends on us.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Family Science at Barnes Elementary!

We had over 100 students and their families attend this event - the first of the fall semester. This semester's theme is "Culture in Science" and celebrates just that. My students did an outstanding job conceiving, researching, building and implementing their projects. Some posts regarding their project ideas will follow. For now, enjoy what was a great time at Barnes elementary!

Direct quotations from Student Reflections:

*The one thing that I will always remember from this event is that when you do this type of event, the teacher can learn as much as the student....When I left at the end of the evening all my fears were gone. To me, events like Family Science Night are a reminder of all the potential I have to become a great classroom teacher.

*I understand more now that science really is about inquiry.

*As future teachers, we have to accept that learning does not just take place at school from 8:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.

*Before this experiment I had mixed feelings about teaching science because I am not good at science. After this experience, I find science fun, engaging and interactive. This experiment has altered my perception of teaching science by showing me that science is not scary, it is fun and kids love it. It was amazing to have the feeling you have after you teach something to a child and they say, "Oh I get it!", with a big smile on their face and they want to do the experiment again.

*I felt very much like a TEACHER!

*There was a lot of learning new things for students that night and it really is great to see that pre-service teachers can make a difference in just one night....This was a great experience and one that I am very thankful to have been able to participate in.

*It was FUN!

*This experience showed me without a doubt how important parent involvement is to the success of any school activity.

*The one main thing I will remember from participating in this event is the level of excitement in the atmosphere. The conversations that carried on in the entire room at that moment revolved around science. There were so many students that wanted to jump from one center to another because they wer enjoying all of the information and activities.

*My favorite thing was talking to the parents; which is strange because that is what I was most apprehensive about before the experience....It made me feel good about myself. I had personally opened a family's eyes to the wonders and possibilities of science. Since science is my main passion in life it was exciting!

*I think the most memorable thing that I will take from this event was seeing all the smiles on the students faces....It really made me happy to see the smile and enjoyment they got out of the activity I provided for them.

*Some students came back for a second round just to do our activity once more. This is the way I intend my classroom to be. I want the students to feel as if they just can't get enough.

*I didn't realize how much the students already know!

*I now know that every student comes with different backgrounds and each have their own personal experiences....I assumed that everyone knew what cactus was but soon I came to the realization that my thinking was not true!
*I have always been timid of teaching science. Now that I have actually done a science project, I am more confident with myself! That was all I lacked to graduate from high school with honors - I dropped out of chemistry because I did not want to do a science project If only I knew then what I know now...

*I have to admit that I dreaded taking these science courses. There are some people who are afraid of math, and there are some people who are afraid of science - me. I am very hands-on learner and having a FSN is just that! I know the students and their families that attended learned a great deal and had fun at the same time! Life is good!

And here is my personal favorite: "During this event, not only did the students learn science, but I learned science myself." - Future elementary school teacher

Monday, July 21, 2008

Peer Evaluation

Today, SMTE 3316 summer session II students brought in their projects and had their peer review session. Great job! All did really well, and got some constructive feedback. We will be ready for the big Super-Sized Science family learning event on Monday! Students - let me know what caption you would like attached!
One: Raquel Gonzalez does a great job describing the importance of colorful food in our diet!

Two:Justine Chu gives some great information on all kinds of juices:
Three:Lacy pops a top for some taste tests:
Four:Yvette and Chris explain to their classmates how alchohol affects the body. They explain the dangers of alcohol to the heart, liver, brain, and stomach. A "test your knowledge" activity board is provided to see what they know about alcohol. Did you know that children as young as 9 years old have experience with alcohol?
Five: Sarah Porter looks a bit skeptical -
Six: Franco Santos and Evon Gerace give a flossing demo - with shaving cream!
Seven: Raquel Gonzales instructing her peers -
Eight: Decisions, to grade this one....
Nine: Brittany giving her project review concerning the amount of exercise required to 'burn' calories (its way more than you think!)
Ten:Lupita and Veronica explain the alarming effects of soda pop on our teeth to fellow students. With a lot of spoons and a pH scale, their board illustrates sugar content and acidity level of soda pop --- the level is right there next to BATTERY ACID!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


It's the last day of class - I've just left my Summer I session of bright and energetic future teachers. They are the source of my energy and passion for teaching. I am so blessed to be involved in their training! I wanted to post some of their written reflections concerning our family science event at the Boys and Girls club (see previous post).

•“Science is not just about beakers, microscopes and animals; its about learning and discovering new things not only about our world, but about ourselves. Science relates to everything.”
•“I was also very proud of our class as a whole at how everyone took the time to present their material in an interesting way and really want to make that difference in these young minds….They wanted to learn about topics and some were so impacted by what we were teaching them that they even came back for a second helping of knowledge.”
•“This event really showed me that you can do a science lesson about anything. I know it sounds like a simple statement but I never would have thought that I could talk for ten minutes to kids about orange juice.”
•“Watching the children smile as they interacted with us and our project really reassured me that I was going into the right profession. These children just wanted to learn and by being there our class made that possible.”
•“I feel the more passionate the teacher is about a topic, the more passionate the students will be. The excitement to teach almost seems to ‘rub off’ as excitement for students to learn.”
•“I learned that one of the best things you can do as an educator may not be to specifically teach a scientific concept, but to engage students and motivate them to want to learn science.” (emphasis added by student)

On Monday, we start the second summer session. Another group of future teachers will come in and be scared about teaching and learning science (because most of them were taught with worksheets and textbooks), and I have about 19 class days to cover an entire semester. And you know what? I love teaching, and I love them. Another family science event coming up!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Super-Sized Science at Boys and Girls Club!

I'd like to begin by announcing a video that features some of the work that I do with my awesome students. I teach life science (biology and associated life sciences) and "how to teach science" to teachers in training at Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi. Take a look at this URL: You'll find a video (in the little box) and some photos of my students doing science with kids at the Boys and Girls Club in Corpus Christi. The theme, "Super-Sized Science" is of my choosing for this year. My students have to come up with an activity that explains and demonstrates the science of nutrition. They do these with kids and their parents, so it is important to make the activity flexible for young and old alike. For many, it is my future teachers' first time to interact with children prior to their student teaching experience. For all, it is the first, and probably ONLY time they will interact with parents. A win-win situation for all involved - especially me, because I get to sit back and watch my students teach. What a thrill! Summer semester only leaves time for one Family Science event per session. In the regular semester, we do THREE different ones - it's awesome!! Perhaps some day I will post a video of my student's reflections of this -- then they will be even MORE famous!! I am very proud of them!