Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ella Barnes Elementary Spring 2012

"This event was a dream come true because not only was there more parental participation but also the children were eager to learn science. Family Science Night at Barnes Elementary was the best event ever....The students became effective thinkers and the world of science started making sense!"

"I was glad we got be be around a lot of parents because it gave me the confidence I needed to believe I knew what I was doing." 

"I learned from our own research and the other groups' projects that we need to pay more attention to what we eat and act in our daily lives to keep being healthy and happy."

"We really got to show and explain our research and show that we really worked hard which felt rewarding."

"I realized that elementary students know a whole lot more than I thought."

"Its pretty amazing to see kids so young so interested in something like medicine. She says she is planning to go to medical school."

"Its always fun to see what kind of personalities the students have. It makes me so excited to be able to work with the age group one day."

"The reward  of seeing and being a part of a student's breakthrough when understanding a new concept of working through data is an experience that words cannot describe."

"Its funny because every time I eat something now I always think about my poster and I think about, "Am I making the healthier choice or not?". 

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