Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Flour Bluff Junior High Spring 2012

"What I truly appreciate about the opportunity provided to me by teaching Family Science Night is the belief I've gained that extra-curricular, organized instruction might allow for better learning opportunities and increased absorption of information by the kids involved. While it tends to be a struggle to engage children in this age range with anything they might perceive as extra work, I do believe its is important  to try and the looks of pure, unadulterated interest that I have viewed throughout the course of this assignment have led me to believe that it is quite possible to be successful."

"One thing I love about these Family Science Nights is that we are all doing the same thing, working towards our future goals of being educators and that we are all going through the same thing. I also like how each and every one of us is helpful to one another. This make the transition so much smoother and rewarding!"

"This last event proved how much I actually knew about this topic and how much more confident I had become."

"I used to think that being involved with parents was as simple as sending something home with the child and hoping that the parent received it or having a parent teacher conference and calling the parent once a month. Clearly I was wrong, there are so many different way to be involved and family science nights are one of them."

"I felt that I have grown a lot this semester, because before I came into this class I did not know anything about science. I now feel way more comfortable presenting scientific information to my students and having a positive attitude about it. I am also more comfortable in presenting information to the parents as well."

"Now I remember the honor roll assemblies and the attendance assemblies that my parents attended but even then they didn't come into contact with my teacher and I do not want to be the teacher who doesn't talk to parents."

"I remember in the beginning being very nervous  and thinking to myself that i would probably stumble over my words and sound like I don't know what I'm talking about but actually going through the experience I found that it all came naturally."

"Through this experience I have developed more useful skills that I will use when teaching students and helping them grow cognitively, emotionally and physically."

"I have become increasingly more confident in my science teaching abilities!"

"At the beginning of the semester, inquiry-based science was new to me. I realize now how important it is in the classroom or even at a science event to help the student to get his or her own understanding of the content as they play an active role in the learning process."

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